Sprouted Sunflower Seeds, Quiona with Parsley
I have been using Sprouted Sunflower seeds in lot of my recipies these days, they really tasty and full of proteins.
1/2 Cup Sprouted Sunflower Seeds
1 Cup Quiona
1 Cup Parsley (Chopped)
Salt (per taste)
Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
Lemon Juice
1 tsp Olive Oil
2 Cup Water (or Veg Broth)
Heat up pan and put oil and let it heat up a bit. Pour Cumin seeds and let the seeds spatter.
Add Qunioa and toast a bit. Then add 2 cup water or Broth and cover and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add Sunflower seeds, Parsley, Salt, Pepper and let cook for another 2-3 min. Cook until Qunioa is nicely cooked. Switch off the gas and serve topped with fresh squeezed lemon juice.